Wednesday 11 June 2008

Alanis opens up about heartache

Alanis Morissette is eager to avoid another love breakup � because splits hit her too hard, reports.

The singer-songwriter admits she was devastated when her engagement to actor Ryan Reynolds ended last year, and it took her months to recover.

She reportedly fears she wouldn�t be able to handle another breakup of that magnitude.

�I was a full-blown love addict, so it was like, �I can�t keep doing this, my body can�t take it,��

Morissette told the Los Angeles Times newspaper. �Breakups are a horrible thing for almost everybody I know. For someone who is a love addict, it�s debilitating.�

But Morissette is confident her split from Reynolds was her personal rock bottom.

�I�ve been on a constant journey toward finally surrendering and hitting the rock bottom that I�ve been avoiding my whole life,� she added. �So this was a huge, critical juncture for me. Everything broke, and it was an amazing and horrifying time.�

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